Managing mosquitoes and the socio-ecological value of wetlands for wellbeing


Dr Adriana Ford

Dr Adriana Ford

Research Fellow in Environmental Social Sciences

Department of History, Politics & Social Sciences

University of Greenwich

Adriana is an interdisciplinary environmental scientist working in the field of socio-ecological systems, biodiversity conservation and human-wildlife interactions. Her research interests include values and attitudes towards wildlife and the environment, and participatory management and development solutions to environmental problems.

Chris Fremantle

Chris Fremantle

Arts Advisor, Research & Producer Senior Research Fellow, Gray's School of Art Robert Gordon University

Chris works on arts and ecology projects both as a producer and as a researcher. He is concerned with interdisciplinary collaboration and the role that artists can undertake working with natural and social scientists, engineers, as well as communities. He produces ecoartscotland, a blog, mobile library, and curatorial platform.